Tag Archives: India

The Turbaned Tornado Retires At Age 101.

25 Feb


Fauja Singh aka The Turbaned Tornado is one of my favorite people ever. The famous 101 year old marathon runner has decided that after almost 13 years of running marathons, he is retiring from the sport. He will not be retiring from running, he just wishes to take his daily runs down to a more sane distance of 8-9 miles per day.

After completing his last marathon over the weekend in Hong Kong, Mr. Singh was quoted saying that he ‘felt so fresh, so good and so full of power (today).’ And have no fear, The Turban Tornado is not retiring on a down note, he actually ran a faster time in his last marathon this year then he did in the same marathon last year. He managed to shave 30 seconds off his mile time, coming in at just under 15 minutes per mile this year.

Since he will no longer be in the news for his amazing marathon accomplishments, Mr. Singh hopes the public will not forget about him. I am sure this will not happen, his legend will live on. If you care to read about his life and how he came to be a marathon runner at age 89, click on the link to his Facebook page below and buy his book. I am sure it will be worth it.

All I can really say is, Mr. Singh, you will NEVER be forgotten. You are the truth!!! You are what so many people aspire to be, healthy, active and happy And you manage to do it all over the age of 100!!!

So here’s to many more years of running, loving and vegetarian living, Mr. Singh, you deserve it 🙂


http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fauja-Singh-Turbaned-Tornado/124185080997906 Like His Facebook Page And Buy His Book!!!


Pocket Hercules.

26 Dec


I love being impressed, I really do. I love people who push themselves, work hard and are left with lots to show for it. Take Manohar Aich for example. The 1952 Mr. Olympia is still drawing ‘Oooh’s and Ahhh’s’ from the body building community. Nicknamed ‘Pocket Hercules’ due to the fact that he only stood 4’11 in his prime, Mr. Aich is also a 3 time Asian games Gold Medalist in body building.

Manohar was born in a remote village in India, he was always naturally athletic and was always very into sports. At age 12 he caught black fever and his heath took a turn for the worse. He lost much of his strength while he was sick so naturally he turned to body building once he recovered, to gain back his strength. At the age of 27 he enlisted in the Royal Air Force and this is where Manohar Aich the body builder was truly born. A disrespectful, racist comment made by a British Officer led Mr. Aich to smack him and in turn landed Mr. Aich in jail. Jail is when Manohar started to hit the weights, hard core. 12 hours a day. His work ethic and physique were so off the hook, the prison staff started to make him his dietary specific vegetarian meals. And the rest is seriously some body building history.

At age 37 he entered the Mr. Hercules contest and won. The next year in 1951, he entered Mr. Universe and placed 2nd, in 1952 he won Mr. Universe and then in 1955 he placed 3rd at the age of 42. In 1960, he placed 4th in Mr. Universe at the age of 47, not very common in body building, especially not back then. When asked about his life and his accomplishments he credits nothing to luck and everything to his ‘healthy lifestyle of no alcohol, no cigarettes, daily exercise and a strict vegetarian diet.’

Mr. Aich is now 100 years young but that is not stopping him, he still works out for 90 minutes a day and he freely admits that he does more stretching now then he used to. He also still trains and mentors champion body builders at his own gym in India. As for his daily eats, think starches and lots of fruit like guava, bananas and jack fruit as well as vegetables. Manohar claims he feels nothing that most people feel with age, no pains, no weakness, in fact he says he only ‘feels young at heart.’

This guy is a living legend and the prime example of what body building and healthy living should be about. Here’s to many more years of health, happiness and fitness, Mr. Aich 🙂


R.I.P. Ravi Shankar.

13 Dec


Many may not know Ravi Shankar by name but many know Ravi by music. He taught The Beatles all about the Siatar and how to play it, he introduced them to world music they never heard before. The Beatles then went on to release 2 of the greatest albums in their collection, Sargent Peppers and Magical Mystery Tour. Some folks will argue that those are 2 albums are 2 of the best in rock and roll history.

He was also the father of the ever so talented, Nora Jones and a Grammy Award winner in his own right. His contributions in the music world go on and on. He actually influenced many of the musicians some of us may listen to today. Anyone who listens to Thievery Corporation can attest to that.

Performing since 1930, Ravi had been honored with more than 14 honorary doctorate degrees from all over the world. He also started The Ravi Shankar Foundation which you can learn more about below. This musician, composer and vegetarian was considered to be the most well know contemporary Indian artist in the world and he will truly be missed.

R.I.P Ravi Shankar.



‘Whoa’ Of The Day.

22 Oct

Man, when I saw this on Yahoo last week I was like ‘Whoa!…Of Course.’

A 96 year old man in India has become the world’s oldest new dad, for the second time at that. Ramjit Raghav, a farmer from India and his 52 year old wife have just given birth to their second son. So we have a 96 year old dad and a 52 year old mom, talk about defying it all. Add to that, both of their boys were conceived naturally.

Ramjit credits his longevity and vibrancy to his healthy lifestyle and his lifelong strict, vegetarian diet*.

*Like you didn’t see that coming 🙂


Those Golden Arches Just Got A Whole New Meaning In India.

5 Sep

I don’t eat McDonald’s and I am sure most of the people who read this blog don’t either. There are many reasons not to eat McDonald’s but instead of knocking the company I am actually going to compliment them. When it comes down to it, we cannot BLAME McDonald’s for our obesity epidemic, after all they are just catering to good old supply and demand. Most recently they have been in the news getting rid of their abusive egg suppliers,  abusive beef suppliers and striving to get more ‘healthy’ options in their restaurants. They have also agreed to do away with the breeding crates pigs are left in, so all in all, we can only hate so much on those who chose to take action. There are plenty of other establishments like Dominos Pizza for instance who have straight up said ‘NO’ about getting ethical with their animals. So maybe McDonald’s is not such a horrible corporation after all, or more the more likely situation is, with all the prime real estate McDonald’s sit on, they simply cannot afford to ignore the ways of the world and society and how they are changing. They must keep up with the times and that is why they are opening their first ever, all vegetarian, all the time restaurant in India. Boo-Ya.

See in India anywhere from 25%-50% of the population considers themselves to be vegetarian. Right now the McDonald’s over there do not serve beef or pork and they have separate kitchens for the preparation of the vegetarian and non vegetarian foods. So they are already light years ahead of whats going on over here. Sure we do not have the massive vegetarian population of India but we do have a very big vegetarian population here in America and I would like to think that it is growing everyday. By showing India that they are listening to what the want, a big step is being made. A big step in a positive direction for both us veg heads and for McDonald’s as a company.

The coolest thing about tasty vegetarian food is that non vegetarians friggin LOVE IT. I mean they get obsessed, all of my non veg friends go into a frenzy when they taste something vegan other than leaves and soy milk. That is why bringing a vegetarian McDonalds to the American masses can and will change the whole game, people will go there and order the food ‘Just Cuz’, ‘Just Out Of Curiosity’ and then they will be hooked. And I would rather have a nation of people hooked on vegetarian fast food as opposed to what we have going on now. Sure it is not the diet I am trying to encourage you all to eat but some fried food every now and then will not kill you, it makes life a little better and of course it brings a sense of ‘normalcy’ to our lifestyle. Contrary to what most people believe, many of us would love to have the option of grabbing a (deathless) burger with our friends on the go. And as soon as McDonald’s takes note, they will take over this untapped market as well.

Shot. On. Sight.

25 May

Now here is a law I can get behind. Following in the foot steps of Kenya, India also knows they must protect their wildlife and they are now going to the full extreme to show those poachers that they mean business. The Indian state of Maharashtra, which is located in Western Indian has introduced a new law stating that forest guards are now allowed to shoot any animal poachers they come across, on site. No if’s, and’s or but’s. And to further show they mean business they have also made it a law that no forest guard who does pull the trigger can be booked for any human rights violations.

Hunting in India is becoming a SERIOUS problem and with an exploding population of 1.2 billion, things will only get worse for their wildlife if they choose to turn a blind eye. Poachers kill tigers, rhinos, big cats, elephants and many other large and small animals. At the rate they are being killed off, environmental disasters are imminent. 14 tigers have already been poached this year and they have found traps set in tiger reservations. These poachers are ruthless so we should all be glad they can be shot on site, they are breaking the law and destroying the planet and it’s Eco-system. Between deforestation and poaching, India is in dire need of reform and by placing laws like this in order, they are getting on the right track.


Love Is Mighty.

13 Sep

Love Is Mighty Designer, Monisha Raja.

Love Is Mighty is a very special shoe company that makes 100% handmade, vegan shoes. All of the shoes they make are from the finest fabrics and textiles in India, made by tribal artists who reside in the remote villages of India. As India becomes more and more populated, these tribes and their craft work are being pushed out. Love Is Mighty creator, Monisha Raja was born in India and takes pride in the fact that her company, Love Is Mighty, is helping to sustain these communities for years to come.

Ms. Raja herself has quite the impressive resume. Educated at Parsons in Manhattan, she has worked as a freelance fashion designer for shoe companies such as BCBG and Tory Birch.  She is a well-known and respected artist, her art work has been shown at many galleries and published in prominent publications. Monisha resides in New York City and teaches yoga at various studios. Her mission when she launched Love Is Mighty was to preserve the dying world of indigenous art, her finished products are nothing short of amazing. These shoes do not come cheap but nothing worth it in life does 😉

http://loveismighty.com/ Love Is Mighty Homepage.

This Is The Devi (Goddess) Sandal. Beautiful.

Chandrika Soap.

28 Jun

Since 1940 Chandrika Soaps have been made without any animal ingredients and are not tested on animals. Their all natural soaps are made with ingredients like coconut oil, wild ginger, orange oil, sandalwood oil and lime peel oil. Each soap is especially crafted and allows nature to work its magic on your skin. Having used Chandrika soaps I can testify to this. They leave a smooth, clean feeling with a fresh scent. Not oily or drying, these soaps are gentle enough to use everyday.

Chandrika also offers a line of natural anti bacterial soaps and natural herb shampoos. Made in India these soaps are imported all over the world from the United States to Germany, France and Italy. You can find them at health food stores and natural food stores, I happen to come across mine at Vitamin Shoppe. They actually have an amazing selection of natural soaps there.

http://www.chandrikasoaps.com Chandrika Soaps Homepage.

The Flax Of Life.

29 May
Flax seed

'Golden' Flax Seeds.

Flax Seeds are seriously a ‘Wonder Food’. Full of short chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids, these seeds are a must have for vegans and vegetarians. You can add them to your yogurt, throw them in trail mix or a stir fry and even add them to baked goods.

Native to India and the Mediterranean Regions of the world, flax comes in both ‘Golden’ and ‘Brown’ colors. Both have the same nutrition profile although brown flax is not as commonly used as golden when it comes to food products. The Omega 3’s that flax seeds contain have been shown to lower cholesterol, especially in women and recent studies have also shown that flax may help patients with breast and prostate cancers.  Furthermore, flax may also be beneficial to diabetics since it is known to stabilize blood sugar levels and since it is high in fiber, it is a natural laxative. Packed with good fats that help keep your hair and skin looking good, flax is definitely a ‘something for everyone’ kind of plant.

I have tried getting flax in my diet many ways. I used to just take a supplement but then I could never find one that was not coated in gelatin and it started to become a pain in the butt. Then I went to some milled flax that you can throw on yogurt or into a smoothie. It was good but it was not smooth enough to blend into my smoothie, it changed the texture which changed it all. So then I found this ‘Fine Milled’ golden flaxseed at Vitamin Shoppe and bought them because they looked as if they were milled super fine. And they are. They blend into my smoothie with the greatest of ease and do not mess up the texture at all. Beveri is the brand and the link to the product is below.

Get Your Fatty Acids On.

http://www.healthcastle.com/flax.shtml More Benefits Of Flax.

http://beverinutrition.com/products/faqs/award-winning-beveri-golden-flaxseed All About The Flax I Have Been Using And LOVE.

This Is The Exact One I Am Using, It Is The Best I Have Come Across.

Seven Super Spices.

10 Feb

For thousands of years, spices have played dual roles in both the kitchen and medicine cabinet. Aliments from cancer to depression have been treated with herbs and spices. Here are seven examples.

A pepper plant. Aromatic plants and spices suc...

This Is A Pepper Plant.

Red Pepper.

Red Pepper is native to the America’s and has been harvested for thousands of years.  It has been used for medicinal purposes by the Native Americans for many, many years. Red Pepper has been known to help those with arthritis, a nasty hangover, shingles and backaches.


Saffron is a spice which comes from a flower called the Saffron Crocus. It is native to Southwest Asia and is the worlds most expensive spice by weight. Long used in the world of natural medicine, Saffron has been known to help people suffering from depression, cancer, dementia and heart problems.


Garlic is a member of the onion family. Once again, Garlic has also been used by people for thousands of years in medicinal ways. They grow in bulbs and are consumed by the clove, either raw or cooked. Garlic has been hailed as a ‘super spice’ for its ability to help with blood clots, heart problems, cancer and the common cold and flu.


Rosemary is a herb known for its ‘pine needle’ like leaves. A member of the mint family, Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region of the world. Long used in wedding ceremonies, Rosemary has also been admired for its medicinal value. Arthritis, depression, cramps, hepatitis and dementia

Black Pepper.

Black Pepper, also known as peppercorn once it is dried, is a flowering vine. Native to India, this spice is also cultivated in many other tropical regions. Black Pepper is the worlds most traded spice and has been used for medicinal purposes like cancer, depression, arthritis and heart problems.


Cinnamon is a spice native to Southeast Asia, it is found in the inner bark of several kinds of trees. Cinnamon gets its flavor from an essential oil which makes up about 1% of its composition. It has always been used in the natural medicine scene and has been known to help people who have diabetes, a sore throat, bronchitis and indigestion.


Turmeric is a herb from the ginger family. It is native to South Asia and often used as a spice in curries. Long believed to have antiseptic properties, Turmeric also has been said to help people with arthritis, cholesterol problems, hepatitis, depression and heart problems.

Good Luck!!!

Turmeric powder 薑黃粉

Turmeric Powder.