Tag Archives: Low Fat Diet Sucks

The Damages Of Dieting.

7 Nov

Dieting is LAME, super, super LAME and most of the ‘diets’ people try are simply unhealthy scams. It is time to say NO to diets and make a whole life change. How can a diet even work? How? If the whole purpose of a diet is to lose weight by cutting out foods then what the heck happens once you start eating those foods again? Exactly, we all know what happens. You gain the weight back AND then some. And it sucks and you get discouraged and the cycle continues and your emotions and body suffer immensely. No one likes to fail, and that is precisely what a ‘diet’ does, it sets you up for an inevitable failure that will send you back into a tail spin. Do you realize how much money these companies make off of you, playing with your health and your emotions? Tisk. Tisk. Tisk.

Think I am being dramatic? If so then peep the scene below, here are some numbers and facts about dieting. I will let you choose you own adventure after you read this. Just make it a healthy one 🙂

– In a German study, one group was given diet pills, the other a placebo and guess what, the over the counter diet pills had ZERO effect. Save your money and buy some fresh fruits, veggies and a gym membership. Then use it.

– 2/3 of dieters regain MORE weight then they lost in the 4 years following their ‘diet’. Those who choose to go on a calorie restrictive diet will regain even more weight.

– Losing anything more than 2 pounds a week is unhealthy. No diet ‘advertises’ weight loss of this little, therefore no diet is healthy or realistic.

– Americans spend over 50 BILLION dollars on weight loss products each year. Now for a country that is belly up, people who claim to be broke and hard up, I find it amusing that they still have 50 BILLION to toss in the trash on ‘diets’. Seriously America, wake up.

– Most people who chose to diet suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Since most diets cut out nutritionally sound food for stupid reasons like, it has carbs, there is no way a diet can be well rounded enough for the body to sustain and thrive.

– Yo-Yo dieting not only destroys ones psychological well being it also wrecks ones immune system. It is also been contributed to a high risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and depression.

– Dieting is also the first step towards an eating disorder and/or an unhealthy relationship with food. By labeling foods ‘bad’ and/or ‘off limits’ with no sound science or evidence to support this, is a recipe for disaster.

– Low fat diets give you horrible skin and bad hair, weak nails and low energy. A low fat diet is one of the worst things ever, right up there with no carb diets.

And lastly, if you are sick of the yo-yo, the up and down and all the other false advertising and nonsense you are bombarded with then maybe it is time you join the 7,500,000 of us that are vegetarian in America or the 1 million who are vegan?